2005 A&S Competitions


Print out a copy of this chart to help track your and your team's progress through the run for the Golden Poppy and the "8-Legged" Race.




My Score

My Team's Score

March Crown

Fine Art

Practical Science

Purses and Pouches

Making Tinctures - colors


Performing Art

Technical Science

Instrumental Piece (5 min. max)

The Tools of Alchemy

June Crown

Fine Art

Technical Science

Underpinnings — Underwear for men or women

Camp Tables —portable tables in period styles


Performing Art

Performing Art

Fine Art

Fine Art

Technical Science

Technical Science

Practical Science

Practical Science

A Period Love Song (3 min max)

Any Period Form of Poem or Song:
Topic: Beauty (3 min. max)

An Illuminated Border

Heraldic Banners

Research Paper: Guilds in England

Horse Barding

Preserved Foods — Sugared, salted brined, dried fermented, pickled

Brewings a Period Ale


Performing Art

Technical Science

Tell a VikingTale (5 min. max.)

Broaches — fibulas, annular, penannular, disk

October Crown

Performing Art

Practical Science

On Site Poetry: 3 words and the Fool( 3 min. max.)

Bone & Antler: Period Uses

12th Night

Fine Art

Practical Science

A Decorative Trim — lace, embroidery, narrow weaving, or lucet

Boxes and Trunks

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